Mazraat Yachoua, Elissar, Lebanon Street, Building no. 6, 2nd Floor.
Spread Life team visiting a beneficiary

To plant God's words and love in every household we serve and offer a helping hand to those in need.

We are an independent non-profit organization spreading God’s love to our communities and offering a hand of help to those in need.

Our Programs

Our Programs and Initiatives in Serving Vulnerable Communities with Love and Compassion

Medical & Personal Care Program

The medical program provides monthly medicine for chronic diseases such as blood pressure, heart, diabetes, etc. for individuals that cannot afford co... More Details

Pantry Program

The Pantry program offers monthly food subsidy box containing all the necessary food ingredients for a family to survive for one month, such as Pasta,... More Details

Educational Program

The Educational Program aims to Support and guide Youths in their education, career, and spiritual & personal life progression in order to improve the... More Details

Our Impact

Making a Difference, One Person at a Time


Years of Charity


Active Programs


Registered Beneficiaries


Individuals Get Medication


Families Get Daily Dishes


Monthly Pantry Subsidies

Our Partners

Side by Side for Change